


BALB/c-Rag2 tm1FwaIl2rg tm1CgnSirpα NODFlk2 tm1lrl

BRGSF小鼠是由genOway和法国巴斯德研究所共同研发的重度免疫缺陷小鼠模型。 在BALB/c小鼠背景上敲除Rag2,IL2rg以及Flk2基因,以及将BALB/c小鼠背景的Sirpα基因替换成NOD小鼠背景的Sirpα基因,成功建立重度免疫缺陷小鼠品系。 2024年中国基锘威从genOway引入该核心群。


  • 成熟的T、B、NK细胞缺失,巨噬细胞吞噬功能受限,髓系细胞发育阻碍,是市⾯上免疫缺陷最彻底的⼩⿏模型之⼀,可⽤于⼈源化⼩⿏模型的构建;
  • 具有较⾼的辐照耐受性,适合核药及放射性疗法的药效学评估;
  • NOD背景来源的Sirpα基因(SirpαNOD)替代了BALB/c背景的Sirpα基因,对各种来源的CDX和PDX⾼度兼容;
  • 补体系统功能完整,是研究补体依赖细胞毒性(CDC)的重要⼯具。


  • CDX和PDX建模; 
  • ADC疗法评估;
  • ⼩分⼦药效评估; 
  • 核药及放射性疗法评估; 
  • 细胞治疗有效性评估; 
  • 构建⼈免疫系统重建⼩⿏模型,例如⼈造⾎⼲细胞(HSC)移植;



对BRGSF小鼠接入PDX,在肿瘤生长到100mm3的时候,注射5-FU(56 mg/kg)进行两次治疗;

  • 5-FU具有抗肿瘤活性

更多详细数据请联系我们:联系我们 - 基锘威 - genOway (my3w.com)


  1. Homeostasis of monocytes and lung interstitial macrophages is regulated by collagen domain-binding receptor LAIR1 in vivo
  2. Predictive in vivo evaluation of immunotherapy efficacy: tHIS is a reliable model
  3. Deciphering high-dose IL-2 toxicity in reconstituted HIS mice


  1. BRGSF-HIS: genOways mouse model to evaluate the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leukocidin in acute implant-associated osteomyelitis
  2. Tumor grafts in preclinical research: Models, models, overall, who is the fittest of them all
  3. Part 3: BRGSF-HIS, a new human immune system mouse model for immuno-oncology studies
  4. Part 2: BRGSF, a new immunodeficient model for immuno-oncology studies


  1. VISTA checkpoint inhibition by pH-selective antibody SNS-101 with optimized safety and pharmacokinetic profiles enhances PD-1 response
  2. Myeloid and dendritic cells enhance therapeutics-induced cytokine release syndrome features in humanized BRGSF-HIS preclinical model
  3. Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine Leukocidin worsens acute implant-associated osteomyelitis in humanized BRGSF mice
  4. Imiquimod induces skin inflammation in humanized BRGSF mice with limited human immune cell activity
  5. Frontline Science: Exhaustion and senescence marker profiles on human T cells in BRGSF-A2 humanized mice resemble those in human samples


  1. Tumor cell line-derived xenograft subtype shapes tumor microenvironment composition in BRGSF-HIS mice
  2. Cell-depleting agents assessment in preclinical models
  3. Myeloid cells' contribution is key in CRS pathophysiology induced by T-cell engagers in BRGSF-HIS model
  4. Functional human myeloid cells in BRGSF-HIS humanized mice enable myeloid-directed therapy assessment
  5. CD3 humanized mouse models as validated tools to assess immune-related adverse events of T-cell engagers
  6. Anti-VISTA agents profiling: complementarity of BRGSF-HIS and hVISTA Knock-in as preclinical models for immunotherapies
  7. Translatable preclinical mouse models for assessment of T-cell engager-induced CRS